weight loss

6 Quick Weight Loss Tips Everyone Needs to Know

weight loss Oct 22, 2022


Weight loss is a big step toward living a healthier lifestyle. Doing it correctly and maintaining that weight loss is even more important.

These 6 guidelines will make weight loss a little more simple.


Remember That Calories are King.


Calories in and calories out will have the most influence on your weight loss dreams. In order to lose weight, you need to stay in a calorie deficit. This means eating fewer calories than your body burns a day. A common rule of thumb for this has been around 500 cal under your maintenance calories in order to lose weight in a healthy way.

Your maintenance calories are the number of calories it takes for you to stay the same weight that you currently are. This can sound confusing but there are multiple calculators on the internet that can help you figure out the maintenance calorie number. Normally figured off of age, height, weight, activity level, and the time you want to lose a certain amount of lbs in, these calculators will be in the area of where you will start.

Here is one you can try if you're curious and want to know what I'm talking about.

Mayo Clinic Calorie Calculator

Once you know your maintenance calorie level, you can just subtract 500 calories from that for safe weight loss provided you are consistently hitting that number. This is an easy and simple way if you're trying to take a lot of work out of weight loss. At this rate, you could possibly lose .5-2lb a week depending on the foods you are eating and how many calories you dropped from that maintenance number.

Remember though, nutrient-rich foods are always better, and starving yourself is not the key. I often see a misconception in the gym where we train. People think that dropping their calories to an ungodly low level will help them lose weight faster.

This isn't necessarily false but the rate at which losing weight is important when it comes to long-term success. We often see people that drop weight too quickly eventually bounce right back to the same weight later. This is usually due to improper habit change. They fall right back into those habits that lead them to gain weight in the first place. There is also a lack of nutrition in those yoyo diets and it will throw various things in your body off such as hormone levels. It's better to lose weight at a slower pace and tackle those negative habits. 


Eat Less Sugar.

When you eat too much sugar, you also may notice weight gain. That’s because sugar can make you crave more food, so you end up eating more than you need. And when you eat more than you need... Your calorie intake may surpass your current maintenance calories. When you surpass this number, the weight can go up.

The best way to avoid gaining weight from consuming too much sugar is to cut back on sugary foods. However, if you really want to lose weight, you should also try cutting back on other unhealthy foods such as processed foods, and refined grains. These foods contain high amounts of calories and the nutrient levels, just aren't there for most, which can contribute to weight gain. Notice I said "cutting back". You don't have to get rid of all the foods you love, just hold back a little more and taper as you go.

Cutting back on sugar isn’t always easy, especially since many people enjoy sweets. I for one love chocolate. If you find yourself reaching for sweets after dinner, try replacing them with healthier options such as fresh fruit or even a small amount of nuts. You can also try eating smaller portions of desserts and snacks throughout the day instead of having one big dessert at night. This simple exchange of food type instead of a total cut can help you in the long run. This will help maintain your weight loss through habit change when you've hit the weight you want.


Cut Back on Alcohol.

It’s true that alcohol has calories, but drinking just one alcoholic beverage a day won’t make you gain weight. In fact, moderate drinking (one drink per day) may actually lower your risk of obesity. So cut back on alcohol if you want to lose weight.

Moderate drinking (one drink per night) may help you shed pounds, according to a study published in the journal Obesity. Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that people who drank less than two drinks per day were 25 percent less likely to be obese than those who had three or more drinks daily. The researchers believe that the reason why moderate drinkers were less likely to be overweight is that alcohol lowers levels of insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. Insulin is released after eating carbohydrates, and high levels of insulin increase appetite.

If you want to lose weight without cutting back on calories, try limiting yourself to one alcoholic beverage per night. A glass of wine, beer, or cocktail counts toward your limit. And if you're worried about feeling tipsy, opt for a low-alcohol option such as red wine instead of a higher-proof spirit. Also, look at the number of calories for different drink types. You can then substitute a more calorie-dense drink for one with fewer calories.


Exercise Regularly.

If you want to lose weight, exercise regularly. This includes walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, playing sports, and anything else that gets you moving. You should aim to do 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least five times a week. Even better, start strength training along with this exercise to burn more calories. Not only does this burn more calories, but strength training is directly correlated to bone growth and retention along with many other health benefits.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. Moderate intensity means that you’re breathing harder than normal while exercising. For example, if you walk briskly, you’re doing moderate-intensity exercise. Start out light and do what your level will require but try and progressively overload yourself over time. This means making the intensity a little harder over the course of days, weeks, or months.

You don’t have to go to the gym or join a sports team; walking around the neighborhood or taking a brisk stroll around the block counts. Remember, the key is to burn more calories than you're taking in daily. 


Reduce Stress.

It’s also important to reduce stress. Stress can cause you to eat more than you need, leading to weight gain. We all know someone who is a stress eater... I am, so now you know another. In addition, stress can make it harder to stick with an exercise routine. So try to find ways to reduce stress in your life. 

Your support system will also be extremely important in this. If you have a strong support system of people in your corner, the stress will be way more manageable. 


Eat More Protein.

Eating protein helps build muscle mass if you are working out and doing strength training. Building more muscle mass has a correlation to burning calories. Aim for around .50 to .75 grams per lb of weight a day. If you weigh 250lbs then that is around 125g -187g of protein per day. Some, including myself, aim for 1 gram per lb.

Protein is one of the most satiating foods available. In fact, research shows that people who consume more protein may tend to eat fewer calories overall. And if you’re trying to shed pounds, eating fewer calories is key.

The best way to get more protein into your diet? Start adding more eggs to your breakfast routine. Eggs contain high amounts of protein, which means you won’t feel hungry throughout the day. Eggs are loaded with nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium. Even better, shoot for egg whites. Egg whites are higher in protein but provide fewer calories than the whole egg.


Hopefully, these tips help and if it is easier to focus on just a couple, shoot for Calories first and add a couple of the other tips second. Calories are King.