Daily Choices Are The Life-Blood To Fitness Success

Sep 09, 2022

Daily choices are like building a snowman. Each individual snowflake becomes a giant ball of momentum. Every choice we make will have a direct correlation to our goal or failure to achieve it. Oftentimes, we forget the smallest of choices and end up repeating them again later in the day.

  • For instance, do you remember the frappuccino you had while driving at 7am while deep in thought on the way to work?
  • Well, it’s now 11:00 you’ve been buried with work and are a little stressed. All you need is a little pick me up, so you grab a donut from the work lunch room.
  • Now it’s 3:00 and maybe it’s time to leave work. You stop at the gas station and grab a small bag of chips or a snack and eat that.

I’m only using these as an example because all of these small choices can be forgotten easily as the day goes on, but they can all have a huge impact on a fitness goal.

How often do you remember what you ate through the entire day without logging it? It’s the small choices that will make or break us. We often overlook these and focus on the larger choices.

If each snowflake creates a larger snowball through momentum… Which direction do you want that momentum to go?