Stop Comparing The Current You To Others

goal setting mindset Mar 14, 2022

We've all done it at some point. We look at someone's physical attributes and physique and wish we had what they had. On one hand it creates action and motivation to start working at a specific goal. On the other hand, it can create unrealistic expectations and frustration.

When we compare ourselves to other people, we bring repetitive thoughts that can be damaging, especially if those thoughts are negative. It can be an unruly roller coaster. Social media hasn't helped the situation. The ability to see numerous people with "perfect" bodies is even easier. It's in our faces all day every day.

Every human is different. Our body types, our genes, our environments all play  huge roles in where we are in our physical journey. We may look at a fitness model on instagram and want the body they have but maybe your body type doesn't support that specific image.

If you're 5'10" with a larger frame and you're comparing your body to someone that is a petite 5'4" 110lbs, then it is unrealistic. You've now wasted needless energy on something that you have no control over.

If you're 45 looking at a social media feed full of 20 somethings with great physiques and feeling crappy because you aren't there, you're wasting your time. Why not focus on yourself and what is really important to you. (Btw... I'm sure we could all be fitness influencers in our early 20's when it's not hard to maintain that great physique.)

If you're a busy mom taking care of three kids, running a household, and working a job, your environment may not support becoming a fitness competitor... So why compare yourself to them?

This is the unhealthy world of comparison. We are all in different stages of our journeys.

One individual's current mental / emotional state may support the physical journey they are currently on. This doesn't mean that your current mental / emotional capacity will support the same journey they are in. For this main reason it isn't justifiable to compare. 

Comparing yourself to others will only bring unwanted negative emotions into play. Remember, they may have been were you are at one point, and they also may be chasing someone else who is where they want to be.

Know where you want to go and what your goal is. Know why it is important, and relentlessly tackle that goal at the speed you can support. Celebrate others for their success and celebrate your successes equally.